if you haven’t read about part I of our amazing tour to learn and “get-awesome”, click here to check it out first!
ok…! where to even begin!! after cruising the strip in vegas on friday afternoon, janine, scott and i jumped on a plane and hoped over to phoenix for the last stop in our ‘Tour to get Awesome!” ~ we were super pumped that we had made so many new friends, and that they were going to be in phoenix for the fix, haha! (if you are curious on what ‘The Fix’ is, check out the short video that our friend chach hermandaz made explaining what it is all about by clicking here!)
we were so fortunate to be able to stay with scotts mom and dad while we were in arizona as they have a beautiful place in Mesa. after telling them all about our trip and about our new friends from the showit community, they could see the excitement in our eyes and generously offered to cook dinner for our new friends the second night we were there! SO we invited andrew barlow and the crew, and whoever else wanted to come, over for a delicious meal on saturday night! it was amazing to talk to these people and learn from their wealth of knowledge all evening. all 6 of them had something incredible to offer, and after they all left (no joke) we all got out our notebooks and wrote down notes from all the incredible insight we had learned! some of my favorite pieces of information that i took away from the evening came from kevin sturm, who educated me on the importance of differentiating myself from others in the industry and tips to focusing my business, and also andrew barlow who explained the importance of networking and the power of support ~ such valuable information and i am so thankful for the opportunity to have gotten to spend some time with these people! i was also super excited to spend some time with my INSANELY TALENTED website designer, david mendoza! chach, and brett were adding life to the party and julie story was just being her sweet, kind self. it was so great to meet them all, and i already can’t wait to do it again! not only are they all “cray cray” talented, they are genuine, kind, funny, and a pure joy to be around. – thank you again to Jim, Sandy, Dave and SC for making us such a fabulous meal and being so incredibly hospitable!
finally the day came for the fix.. janine and i were like two 10 year olds at christmas… (except much more trendy 😉 )WE WERE SO EXCITED!!! the first thing we saw when we got there was the showit bus that david mendoza designed… and it looked AWESOME! so of course, we had to snap some photos in front of it ;). the venue was modern but timeless. open champagne bar and a room filled with inspiring photographers, all talking with each-other. the evening started off so great when i got to meet one of my favorite photographers and bloggers ashley goodwin, who was the host for the event. i just idol this girl because her work is fantastic, her blog is always so powerful and entertaining, and her and her husband just moved to hawaii a couple months ago so she is rocking her business in honalulu! if any of you are going there and want photos, hit her up!!! who knows, maybe one day sc and i will join her there? 😉 . when jasmine walked in it was like a celebrity entered the room, and well, it was a celebrity to all of us! she looked fab as always, and the whole night went off without a hitch! it was so inspiring as jasmine has such a realness about her that is so easy for people to connect with. she talked about the changes she has made in her incredibly successful business, as well as the struggle that comes along with any of these changes. she talked about how we can all deal with the struggle together, and the night was about asking questions and figuring out a business plan for each of us for 2012. one of my favorite things that she does, is not only inspire people, but she inspires people to go home and make a change. her husband, JD, is also just as inspiring as his wife. him and SC had a long chat about life in the industry, and they discussed the keys to working with your spouse. the whole night was really and truly incredible ~ ending with a bang when we got a bit lost on an elevator with jasmine at the end, ha-ha. i cannot thank this beautiful lady enough for her willingness to share all she knows, and her passion to help others in the industry. to say she is an inspiration is an understatement, and janine sept and i are currently working on an exciting and innovative “application” to attend one of her workshops in april! wish us luck!
words cant even describe how fantastic the “Tour-to-get-Awesome” was, and all the information we learned is no doubt going to make us awesome, haha!! because i can’t write how amazing it was, click here to see a video we made that is sure to make you smile!
the pool day was SUCH a nice break from all the busy-ness… and to check out why on earth janine and i jumped in with our clothes on.. just watch the video! life is so much better when you are always having fun 😉
the showit bus!!
a few shots before we headed into The Fix
champagne and networking 😉 – so great to meet this beautiful lady! (Ashley Goodwin)
ms. julie story <3 AKA the sweetest girl, EVER!
jasmine doin her thing!
**thanks to all of those who took interest and read these last couple posts! i know they were long ones, but i am sooo excited about all of this, and can’t wait to see what is to come in the future for MCP as i continue to grow and learn with this amazing network of talented people!** <3 ~MC
WOW- super envious of you guys! you look like you had a ball. and how was the fix? so hope its an annual event as i’m just dying to see j-star live! one day! thanks for sharing your experience! cheers
YOU ARE WAY TOO SWEET FOR REAL LIFE! and too pretty for real life, too!
Thank you thank you thank you! It was an HONOR to meet you and your HANDSOME *wink face* husband! I absolutely adore you and Janine! Fun girls! Sure wish you werent way up there in CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, there’s always Hawaii. 😉
It was SOOO nice seeing you TWICE in two weeks! Thanks for being so awesome and I appreciate your support! 🙂
Love it that dessert made the highlight reel !!
Fun post, Meg! Nora and I have always found Jasmine inspiring too. Great to see some familiar faces from WPPI again 🙂
Hey girlie your tour looks awesome and next year I am going to attempt to also do a tour to get awesome( i love that you called it that) Can`t wait to see everything that you have learnt come out through your work over the next few months
lucky talented girl.