so you all have probably heard me talk about janine a bazillion times by now, but for those of you who don’t know her and all she has done for me, you might wanna check out a blog post i did this summer called Sing in the Feild and Dance in the Rain. janine has […]
if you haven’t read about part I of our amazing tour to learn and “get-awesome”, click here to check it out first! ok…! where to even begin!! after cruising the strip in vegas on friday afternoon, janine, scott and i jumped on a plane and hoped over to phoenix for the last stop in […]
ok… here it goes. i have to be honest.. i haven’t blogged in over 14 days because i have been facing some severe writers block. sometimes, i feel like i have so many ideas in my head, and so much to say that i don’t know where to start. so here i am, starting. i […]
think of someone kind. as kind as you have ever met, in a town and an industry where you know almost no-one. that is justine russo for me. this girl is phenomenal. she is one of the most supportive people i know, and she genuinely believes in helping others achieve their dreams and accomplish their […]
i saw a couple different posts about people wanting dinner ideas this afternoon/evening ~ so i decided to share what is for supper at my house… which just so happens to be my absolute FAVORITE recipe for a quick and easy, delicious dinner on a cold day! A cold frosty night, homemade soup, a loaf […]
i have been thinking about this phrase a lot over the past couple months. “refuse to be ordinary”. i have thought and thought about how i can make this a reality in my life and in my business. how can i refuse to be ordinary? it is so easy to fall into doing something because […]