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Owen & Kahla | Fairytale Engagement Photography

i have known owen for as long as i can remember, and WOW was this session ever amazing!! besides us almost sinking whats known as owen’s “tin-can” fishing boat on the way because of the wind and waves (HAHA!) it couldn’t have been any better! we were all soaking wet (due to the rather exciting boat ride) when we finally arrived to the location where owen had asked kahla to marry him a couple weeks prior- but it was totally worth it and i am so glad we toughed it out and went all the way! it was so romantic to be at the exact spot where she said yes, and anyone could see how in love with each other they are. owen adores her every move, and kahla’s eyes light up every time he is near her. the evening was filled with laughter, and the magical sunset made this session fit for a fairytale! to hear their story, you can check out their custom client website here 🙂

congrats again guys, thank you so much for trusting me to capture these images for you~ i had so much fun hanging with you both for the evening!


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  1. Saw you on showit today!! great presentation and your photos are adorable!!! Added your work to my reader and can’t wait to see more of what you post!

  2. Wonderful post. A picture is worth than thousands words. Photography is indeed the best way to express your feelings and depicts the era. I love photography and look over the web for finding useful stuff for the same. I came across your blog and after subscribing in my feeder I hope you will keep on the good posts like this continuously. Thanks You



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