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Going with the flow | The Life of a Gypsy…

the last month has been crazy, filled with adventures, travel, roadtrips, photos and spontaneity. first we were in maui for dave and tiffs CRAZY beautiful destination wedding, which if you haven’t checked out their blog click here to be swept away into a tropical fairytale. then, after being home for 3 days we took off on a roadtrip back to our hometowns in alberta for 6 shoots and my 3rd Live to Learn photography workshop all jam-packed into 7 days! it’s busy but we love every minute of it and we are so thankful for the freedom in our life to live this way!! our original plan was that i was going to drive back home by myself on tuesday, while scott stayed around calgary for a few extra days to take care of some things for his business which he started up in january, called commodore solutions. tuesday came, and i just didn’t feel like driving home… and not to mention one of the reasons i was so antsy to get back to lake country was because my best friend’s due date for their first baby was yesterday, and i thought for SURE i would win the baby pool and they would have had the baby a few days early… but i totally missed the memo on that one and she is now 1 day overdue. so, i never ended up driving home yesterday and spent the day hanging out with my mom, and then i went to ride in the tractor with my dad last night as he is just finishing up seeding his crops. playing “farm girl” is fun every once and a while anyways 😉

so, i went to bed last night thinking i would get up and drive home this morning, and now here i am, sitting at the kitchen table at my mom and dads house, not packed, not even dressed… and it is looking like i am going to stick around another day to take some photos of my other best friend and her boyfriend tonight at sunset, which i am SO excited about! also, scott just called me and told me he somehow managed to forget his SUITCASE here when he left this morning, so i will need to go and meet him tonight after the shoot to give that to him… i mean, its only his suitcase… hahah!! maybe we do need to slow down a bit and THINK… haha!  just kidding sc, i would totally forget something like that, at least your remembered to take your golf clubs… 😉 priorities.

…so, it may not be as crazy as buying a one-way airfare ticket, but i sure love the freedom of not knowing when i will go back, and just being able to go with the flow! here are a couple snapshots of what we have been up to in the last month, and i promise i will be blogging more from this point on!! enjoy your day today and try and do something unplanned, it’s fun! 😉





after hawaii, we were home for 3 days and got to enjoy some BEAUTIFUL okanagan weather! it felt like summer, so we got our boat out of storage and had our first boating day with tyler and ashley, (my best friend who is about to POP!) ~ memories i live for… <3



…road trip to alberta! the rocky mountains are so majestic!


my 3rd Live to Learn photography workshop ~ thankful that my in-laws let us host the class in their basement in innisfail!! what an awesome group of ladies!

to the farm to see my mom and dad, ~ my dad is a farmer and he is JUST finishing up seeding his crops!

…mothers day 🙂

and lastly, a preview from some of the AMAZING shoots we have done this week!! can’t wait to share more images from this princess series!

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  1. Whitney Lane Arnett says:

    Looks like you’ve been having a ton of fun lately! Love the idea of the princess series. You should check out fashion photog amanda diaz from edmonton she did a cool snow white shoot that was incredible! Tons of inspiration in there.

  2. Brianne Lutz says:

    Love it! But come home soon so I can snuggle you before you leave AGAIN! I miss my blonde friend! <3



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