we were sitting on the beach with family and friends, enjoying happy hour and yet another incredible sunset. it was our last day, actually we were flying out that night, and i was feeling like i hadn’t taken enough photographs with my real camera throughout our trip, i actually hadn’t even brought it with me […]
october definitely presented it’s challenges in my life, but if i have learned anything through it all, it’s that you can’t appreciate the highs in life without going through a few lows. something always comes out of everything. after what seemed like an impossible few weeks, kauai happened and i was so grateful. i forgot […]
THE NEW WEBSITE! oh my gosh! i am so excited about this, if you haven’t seen it already, you can check it out at www.megcourtneyphotography.com … AHH!! first, before i say anything more, i want to say a HUGE thank you to one of my best friends jeremy kester for all the crazy long hours […]
it has been a month of birthday celebrations, visits with friends, business trips to kelowna, las vegas, ohio, and vancouver… scott’s university graduation, exciting new changes, weddings, engagement sessions and lots and lots of late nights working to make it all happen. i am so grateful. and tired. but mostly i am just so grateful, […]
this year has been a CRAZY whirlwind of travels and opportunities, but one of the highlights so far for me has definitely been attending the united 2014 photography conference in santa barbara california and then road-tripping with 2 of my best friends to las vegas for another week of photography-goodness at wppi this past february/march! […]
i have always struggled with getting so excited for things to come that i get caught up in the “will be’s” and “could be’s” of the future. so much so, that i sometimes forget to fully take in the “now”. when i was a kid i used to always say “i wish i was older, […]