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The start of something bigger | United 2013

i would love to be able to sit down right now, and to be able to write a clean and consice blog post telling you all about the amazing parts of my trip to santa barbara for United 2013… but as i sit here staring at the blank page i realize that that, isn’t possible. something happened to me on this trip. i was deeply effected by the hearts of the beautiful people i was surrounded by, and i am still trying to figure out where it leaves me and what it all means. i am so so SO incredibly blessed that i had this opportunity to learn and thrive with so many other amazing individuals, and i know that we are all living for something much bigger, and much more powerful then we even know.

so as much as i learned about photography, and business, and lighting and workflow, this past week has been much more about figuring out what it means to live for something bigger than myself. to serve people and to leave the world a better place. to use my gifts as a photographer and a friend to share with others and to affect people. i want to live fuller and be better, and because of the incredible support group and the amazing life long friends i have made over the last 10 days i believe that we all can start working together to live a life that is amazing and worthy. the greatest things in life are the things we work the hardest for, and as Mary Marantz said in her key note, it is not about who we are, but who we are becoming. i am so grateful for all the brilliant, kind and genuine people who invested time in me to chat about a few of these things, and i am excited about the relationships that were started as i know they are ones that will last a lifetime. i feel rich in friendships, moved by words and inspired through actions. and with that, i think this is the start of writing a story that is bigger than me, bigger than you, and bigger than all of us. its a new way of thinking and a new way of life ~ and i can’t wait to get started.


a huge thank you to my great friend josh newton for this iphone shot of me still trying to take it all in the day after united ~ this was such a fun trip, and i am so grateful for your friendship!

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  1. Josh Newton says:

    Love this =) I agree with all of you, this conference was SO much bigger than us and that is really something sweet.

  2. Rhema Peterson says:

    So good! I did the same thing, I couldn’t put it all down in words but my heart is changed and I was inspired by so many people! Including you! <3

  3. Ashley Barnett Mitchell says:

    LOVE this- so thankful to have met you! You are such a gift! 🙂

  4. Melisa Draper says:

    I have been trying to write about United too… I cannot come up with the words! It was just too HUGE! I’m excited to see what the future holds for all of us 🙂

  5. Jacqui Heiser says:

    Great post Meg 🙂 feeling the same way 🙂 so happy to have got to know you!

  6. Angela Newton Roy says:

    Beautiful post, Meg! You are exactly right and I can’t wait to read more of the impact this had on your huge heart!

  7. Rebecca Siewert says:

    So wonderful! I want to go for coffee and here all about!

  8. Scott Courtney says:

    In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

    Albert Schweitzer

  9. Chad DiBlasio says:

    U said it wonderfully Meg! It was such a powerful week and so much life and love packed into 4 days that it has been a full week since my return and I’m still digesting… Thanks for ur genuine spirit and zest for life!!

  10. Melissa Coetzee says:

    I am having the same problem explaining what the conference was like to others! I think you just had to be there! Amazing experience!



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