i would love to be able to sit down right now, and to be able to write a clean and consice blog post telling you all about the amazing parts of my trip to santa barbara for United 2013… but as i sit here staring at the blank page i realize that that, isn’t possible. […]
i always say that one of the best parts of my job is that my camera gives scott and i a medium to connect with incredible people, and camille and keith are just that. they have a way about them that made sc and i instantly feel like we had been friends forever, even though […]
i have had an overwhelming amount of people email me over the last 10 days with a very similar question. “did you have fears when you first started your photography? how do you find confidence in yourself and in your work? i am so scared to put my work out there, i am scared that […]
i can’t believe the day is actually here! after 10 months of business coaching, planning, brainstorming, and soul searching, i have finally found my niche in this gigantic market. i couldn’t be more excited to be announcing my specialization in my photography career today as a “sunkissed wedding photographer for spontaneous and enchanted brides”. ~ […]
wow! holy unicorns has this last month ever been a crazy one. we went from christmas holidays at disney world, to key west for new years, to back to kelowna for 20hours, repacking and flying out to calgary, to me flying right back in the same direction to the dominican republic, shot a destination wedding, […]
i am so excited to be currently sitting in the calgary airport, getting ready to board the plane headed to dominican republic for my first 2013 wedding of the year!! life has been a bit crazy crazy lately, as we just got home from florida 2 days ago. i was home long enough to shower, […]