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Marjolaine & Bruno | Venon, France Wedding

bruno waited to drive into the castle courtyard as marjolaine finished getting ready, she looked out the window to see if he had arrived for their first look. she closed the shutters to the castle-bedroom and he arrived. him and i walked out to the location we had chosen for them to see eachother for the first time, and the excitement was contagious. he stood there, waiting. marjo came with scott to the end of the path, as soon as she saw him standing there she immediately started dabbing the tears from her eyes. scott and i backed away to get in position to photograph the moment, and she began to walk towards him. they spoke gently to each other in french as she approached, and when she tapped him on the shoulder she was glowing with love and happiness. his face was so genuine. in that moment you could see how much he cared for her and how proud he was to soon call her his wife. they both wiped away the tears, hugged and kissed and just were silent together, they didn’t need words to say how they felt. the feeling was everywhere.

after the first look we headed up to where the church was for the civil and then religious ceremonies. after the civil ceremony she wiped the tears of pure joy off of her cheek and stood outside the church with her dad. you could hear everyone singing inside from miles away. she walked down the aisle and bruno immediately took her hand. she smiled and the support from everyone around them was overwhelming. the singing and the cheering and the energy was like something i had never experienced in a church ceremony before, it was even in a different language then i could understand but the love was so evident that even i couldn’t stop tearing up behind my camera. they walked out of the church to be celebrated by their guests with bubbles, flower pedals and the most epic jazz-band i have ever heard, everyone was smiling ear to ear and it really was a once in a life time experience to get be a part of it.

from there, we all walked down the road, past the country home where marjo had grown up in venon, france, to her aunts castle where the rest of the wedding would be held. he never let go of her hand, and they laughed and smiled and chatted with guests on the way there. when we walked into the courtyard we were all greeted by the jazz band once again, and the most amazing garden party with hor dourves and french wine and champagne. because we had done the first look earlier in the day, it allowed for marjo and bruno to have time to visit and mingle with their guests, drink champagne and celebrate in the evening. the jazz band brought more life to the party then anything i have ever seen, playing songs while everyone danced and sang along… “oh happy dayyy!!!” 😉 – pretty soon marjo and her dad were right in the middle, twirling and laughing as they shared a dance together, and then bruno swooped in and began dancing with his new wife. they dipped and kissed and laughed and spun in the castle courtyard while the sun set as if there was nobody watching. it was by far was one of my favorite parts of the day. (and i now think every party needs a jazz band!! ;))

we snuck away as the sun was setting so marjo and bruno could have some alone time together. scott and i held back a bit and shot from far away, giving them time to talk with eachother in the field behind the castle. marjo is so kind and sweet, and such a lady. every move she makes is filled with grace and she is the living example of a real life princess. she walks dainty with her hands out and perfect posture, always smiling and bringing light to every room she enters. bruno couldn’t take his loving eyes off of her all day, but especially in these moments when the sun was hitting her skin so perfectly. she laughed and smiled while they talked quietly in french to eachother. you could hear the singing and the jazz band playing in the background, and they started to dance once again. there was something so magical and so real about the whole evening. it was perfect, and i don’t think there is another word that could describe it better.

i just want to give a HUGE thank you to these amazing friends, for having us here in france to share in their special day and for honoring us with the opportunity to capture these moments for them. scott met marjo and bruno while he went to school in finland for international business 6 years ago, and they have been dear friends ever since. they made the trip to canada for our wedding 3 years ago, and we wouldn’t have missed their day for anything in the world. i am so proud to call these 2 some of our closest friends, and the love that they share with each other is inspiring to everyone around them. bruno’s kindess is unlike anything i have ever witnessed before, and marjo’s sweet and loving personality is so beautiful. so, with that – here are some more of my favorites from this absolute french fairytale! congrats marjo & bruno!! <3 <3 <3
meg & scott


a special shout-out to our international friends who all met eachother and met scott when they were exchange students in finland 6 years ago ~ so cool that this whole group made the trip to canada for our wedding 3 years ago, and we all were together again in france to celebrate marjo & bruno! we had the pleasure of visiting everyone in this photo on our europe trip this year except justas, (we promise we will come to Lithuania next time!!) and we are so blessed to have all of them in our lives ~ we have had more fun than we can handle in the last 3 days while we were all together (haha), and it will be sad to say goodbye ~ already can’t wait for the next wedding… who will it be?!?! 😉 <3

**if you loved these images and this post, be sure to click “like” at the bottom of this page and leave bruno and marjo some love on their fairytale in the comments section below!! also, become a fan on facebook if you want to be updated on my latest adventures, travels and work by clicking here!! thank you so much for being here and have a beautiful day! <3**


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  1. Sarah McCulloch says:

    Congratulations! Such a beautiful wedding!

  2. Jessica Zais says:

    Beeeeeauuutiful! Wowowewa

  3. Abby Grace Springmann says:

    Meg, these are GORGEOUS. That portrait of them kissing, right beneath the horizontal wide shot of the tree, is PERFECT.

  4. Kristina von Borck-Fossa says:

    LOVE all of these! 🙂 Amazing photos!



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