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Kathy & Ryan | Paddlewheel Park Wedding

there were little seed-shells from the trees flying around everywhere. naturally, i referred to them as “confetti”. ryan continued to tell me that “this random field is known for it’s natural confetti flying around all over the place”. we all laughed. it really did feel like that though. in a little field on the side of the road filled with wild purple flowers, a couple so in-love they couldn’t stop staring at eachother and laughing, and confetti. it just fit.

i love their sense of humor. kathy is so easy going and our personalities just clicked right from the very first day. one of my favorite parts of the day was after kathy and ryan’s little girl sophia walked down the isle in the most AMAZING “real life princess” dress i have ever seen, everyone was tearing up and emotion filled the ceremony ~ kathy came out looking absolutely breathtaking, her and ryan locked eyes the entire way down the isle until she took ryans hand. right then something got a little tied up in her fabulous super long veil and it got pulled out of her hair, as she reached up to grab it the sleeve on her dress popped off – she laughed, called her 2 bridesmaids over for a little “wardrobe malfunction”, turned to her guests and said “sorry guys!! one moment!! ;)” the girls fixed her sleeve, put her veil back in, and both her and ryan could not stop laughing. the moment made their wedding ceremony real. it was different than anyone elses ceremony, and i loved the spontaneity of them being able to improvise and then laugh about it. what it really did, was made their ceremony perfect. from then on, it was nothing but smiles and “confetti”.

thank you ryan and kathy for trusting scott and i to capture the memories of your wedding. i felt so honored to have been there 2 years ago with you, kathy, as you stood up for my VERY first bride at my very first wedding where ryan watched his sister walk down the isle ~ and then to have been here again this past weekend to get to witness the two of you, and your love together. it is always a pleasure getting to spend time with your friends and family, and i already can’t wait until the next time we all get to hang out! the type of love you two share is inspiring. i am so grateful that scott and were the ones who got to capture it on this fairytale day!

congrats again and we love you guys!! xo

meg & scott.

 **if you enjoyed this post or if you know kathy & ryan, be sure to “like” this post below and show them some love by leaving them a comment!! thanks so much for being here and have a beautiful day!!**

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  1. Vicki Lien Skolrood says:

    It should have been raining Kleenex because when Sophia appeared with Steph and Metta and then the majestic Kathy came into view, there was not a dry eye in the place. It was a wonderful day shared with the best people, and I am so damn proud to call them my friends – no, family. Olive juice!

  2. Lauren MacDonald says:

    Where is this field that you took the portraits in?



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