they snuck away from the chaos in the reception hall to the adjacent ballroom and she twirled around like a princess. the evening light was pouring in from the windows and she grabbed his hand and lead him into the center under the chandeliers. they began to playfully dance and she laughed as he spun […]
they walked along the rocks as the waves came in and the mist in the air lit up like pixie dust. they held hands adventuring around watching the sun as it set. there was no hurry or stress and they were playful . it was quiet, all you could hear was the water splashing against […]
Planning a trip to Vietnam and Thailand! Months before leaving on our much anticipated family Asia adventure my mom and I spent hours on trip advisor,, random blogs and whatever link we found ourselves on after endless internet searching. Planning a trip to Asia sounds glamorous until you realize you have absolutely no idea […]
i’ve been dreaming of writing this blog post for…well if we’re being honest… years actually. i don’t know why i have been so scared to put it out there, maybe a fear that if i say it out loud and it never happens that it would be an epic fail, but the truth is, especially […]
Brakell from Basic Invite contacted me a few weeks ago telling me about their awesome new company that specializes in 100% custom stationary. brides are constantly asking me where they should order their save the dates or thank-you cards from and i thought it was so cool that with Basic Invite you can make them […]
well my first main tip about traveling to iceland would be to become very close friends with jackie of jacilyn m photography and have her come along with you, because to be honest, she planned this entire trip. when we arrived in Reykjavik i barely knew where iceland was on a world map let alone […]