the struggle… sometimes as a photographer, it’s hard to balance between what people think we do, and what we really do. i guess i can only speak for myself when i write this, but i thought i would give you all a glimpse into the reality of my reality. i wish i could say my […]
I am enough. i’m not good enough. i’m not interesting enough. i’m not original enough. friends don’t stick around. people get bored of me and disappear. i’m toxic. the painful thoughts that somehow find their way into my head. we all have them, the gremlins that keep us from doing and saying and being. everyone […]
the day had felt heavy. not that anything was wrong, but it was just one of those days where the weight of the world feels like it’s on your shoulder and the overwhelm of it all just hits you. we decided to go up to the mountains where there was no cell service and just […]
all five us got into the car, i of course assumed my usual position of the back middle, a “privilege” of being the smallest i guess. within 5 minutes of driving both steph and peter were leaning in on me so much that i felt completely sandwiched and i jokingly yelled out to mom and […]
well my first main tip about traveling to iceland would be to become very close friends with jackie of jacilyn m photography and have her come along with you, because to be honest, she planned this entire trip. when we arrived in Reykjavik i barely knew where iceland was on a world map let alone […]
not every day is or needs to glamorous. as much as i would like it to be. take today for example. today i sat in a (somewhat ghetto… okay really ghetto) motel room, on a bed comforter that i would like to not think about how many times has been washed in the last year, […]