the rain fell gently, it was supposed to be a flash flood but instead it was only tiny raindrops lightly dusting everything around us, almost as if it was a mist. kaitlyn looked out the window and she was stunning. as i took the photograph i could tell she was deep in thought so i […]
he stood there quietly, looking down at his feet and fiddling with his hands. waiting for her to walk up behind him so he could turn around and see his beautiful bride. she walked slowly and gracefully down the aisle of trees, the speckled light sparkeling off of the top of her dress. he turned […]
she lifted her dress off to the side and he reached for her hand as they began to walk up the stairs. he lifted her hand to his lips for a soft kiss and never took his eyes off of his beautiful bride. when they reached the top they held eachother close. taking in the […]
the stolen kisses and extra squeezes as we move from one shot to the other. the giggles and scrunched noses and his thumb gently moving back and forth on the back of her hand. the whispers, forehead kisses and playful twirling and laughing. the quiet moments where nothing is said and the moments where everything […]
the wind calmed and he took her hand. he lead her out towards the edge of the grass and they stood there together watching the rays of sunlight pour down over the mountains. the wind had been blowing all day but the Hawaiians would call it was a blessing. the sun was shining, blue sky […]
I started going through photographs weeks ago so I could put together a 2014 recap blog post with some of my favorite images from this past season. I finally went through all of my 2014 weddings and sessions, opened the folder where I had been collecting my favorites and realized I had saved over 100 […]