they sat there together, hand in hand. the priest spoke of love, and choice and admiration. never once did they take their eyes off of eachother as his thumb gently rubbed the top of her hand back and forth. they spoke their vows to eachother with such calmness. there was no rush, no nerves. they […]
they laughed and joked with eachother as leigh adjusted jamie’s tie teasing him about pulling it together and he teased her back about how he could barely function since he was starving, their laughter was loud and we all joined in. they have such a gift of bringing light to any room and to any […]
i’m not sure if i’ve ever seen someone who was literally glowing with such happiness as laurie was from the moment we stepped in the room. she looked absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful. this was my first indian attire ceremony and i was in awe of how delicate and vibrant and joyful her look was. her smile […]
we showed up and christina texted me that they were caught in traffic. i guess another plus to eloping is there is no one to be mad if you’re late…:) peter and i hung out at the beach (tough life, right?:)) and when they finally made it there, it was almost an hour after the […]
the light was dropping quickly and the clouds were turning endless shades of cotton candy pinks and purples. he held her close and she wrapped her arms around his neck, the faint sound of john mayer’s “XO” played in the reception tent behind us and they slowly started to sway as they whispered softly to […]
finally! part 2 of jocelyn and jeremy’s enchanted elopement! ( if you haven’t seen Part 1 already, click here to check it out first!) we hiked down the steep muddy trail to get to the bottom of the falls, and she got into her beautiful gown at the bottom. the afternoon was filled with great […]