the rain fell gently, it was supposed to be a flash flood but instead it was only tiny raindrops lightly dusting everything around us, almost as if it was a mist. kaitlyn looked out the window and she was stunning. as i took the photograph i could tell she was deep in thought so i […]
considering how much i am constantly posting to instagram, writing this post is actually surprisingly hard, but i thought it might be fun to try:) so, a few random things i bet you didn’t know about me for this lovely friday! i am going to canmore, emerald lake, jasper, high prairie, north carolina, italy, […]
the energy was buzzing. i stood there as the band played the melody of “leaving on a jet plane” but instead singing “she’s arriving, on a float-plane!”. the guests gathered around the dock with drinks in their hands and all full of smiles. the bridal party was closest to the front clapping and cheering as […]
he stood there quietly, looking down at his feet and fiddling with his hands. waiting for her to walk up behind him so he could turn around and see his beautiful bride. she walked slowly and gracefully down the aisle of trees, the speckled light sparkeling off of the top of her dress. he turned […]
i am definitely in the instagram obsessed category and always love the challenge of trying to get the best shot i can on my iphone6. i have had so many people email and message me in the last few months asking how i get my iphone shots the way they are shown on my instagram […]
” i think i’m going to become a professional adventurer“ i said. half joking but equally half serious. my mom looked up from her puzzle and stared at me for a minute. then finally she nonchalantly just said…”okay” and resumed puzzel-ing. maybe it wasn’t such a grand and wild idea after all. i mean, isn’t […]