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Bikini Town. Who wouldn’t wanna be there!?

so. i’m sure those of you who have me on facebook are wondering what the heck this place called “bikini town” is all about. seeing as that is where i am planning on spending most of my summer, i thought i should keep ya’ll in the loop πŸ˜‰

my parents have had a (fabulous) place on shuswap lake ever since i was 5 years old. it is our home away from home. our paradise. growing up we spent as much time out there as we possibly could. if it meant missing a day of school, or even a couple days… ok even a week-Β  we made it happen. once you go one time, you will realize that the 6 hour trip out to sicamous is worth every minute. every year we spent almost every long weekend, easter, thankgivving, and any other time that we could at the shuswap. not to mention we would leave on the last day of school in june, and not come home until the end of august. love.

since my sister and i have basically grown up on the water, naturally watersports and boats are huge in our world. my dad is a phenomenal skier, and my little sister (ok so she is 17 but she is still “little-er” than me) is right behind him, and on a good day she may even get a better run through the course. i have learned to except that she has the body of strength, and i just lack muscle and well, let’s face it. my joints suck. ;). skiing with her is always good competition for me though,Β  and i still can not think of something more perfect than waking up in the morning, looking out the window to a sunny clear day, perfect flat water, and hopefully steph [little sister] pulling the boat in from the bouy. this means its going to be a great day.

one thing i love about ski mornings is that we wake up, look out the window, and if its flat- we just go. no breakfast no combing the wild bed-head, just rolling straight out of our sleepy dream, putting on one of 55 bikinis ( πŸ˜‰ ), and stumbling down to the dock. after everyone skis, then the day begins, we eat breakfast on the deck, change bikinis one or two more times (haha), and just love life in bikini town.


a perfect morning view.

early morning dance parties with my dad and best friend Ashley, she is bikini towns “trainer”

my dad carving perfect turns.. the father of bikini town πŸ˜‰

my sister [steph]Β  killin’ it through the slalom course like no-one else, we call her bikini town’s waterski instructor …

[the neighbor kid] owen. he’s like our brother. he likes to call himself the newly appointed “mayor” of bikini town, previously called bikini town’s fire-marshal.. πŸ˜‰ .. and he thinks he is a good skier, HA! (jus’ kiddin’ O πŸ˜‰ )

me trying to keep up with everyone πŸ˜‰ – they call me bikini town’s photographer, can you believe that?? πŸ˜‰

girls of bikini town <3

so, now you can see why i am always sneaking off to the lake ;). it’s a part of me, and i just can’t stay away! the way i see it is, you gotta live life and you gotta live life now, for this moment ~Β  what better time to be marinating in the shade and loving life in bikini town than now!

**if you are still wondering what goes on in bikini town, click here to see a short and fun video further explaining the awesomeness of bikini town! enjoy and have a great summer ! πŸ™‚

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  1. Brittany M says:

    Hi Meg,

    I love reading your blog. I can totally relate to your love for the lake, my family owns a place out there as well. There is something just magical about Sicamous and I agree it is a home away from home.

    Love your work,




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