considering how much i am constantly posting to instagram, writing this post is actually surprisingly hard, but i thought it might be fun to try:) so, a few random things i bet you didn’t know about me for this lovely friday!
- i am going to canmore, emerald lake, jasper, high prairie, north carolina, italy, croatia, switzerland and back to kauai all in the next 7 weeks
- i am really good at driving boats. like, really good 😉
- i wear chocolate scented face bronzer. yum. and you’ll pretty much never see me without it on because i wear so much sunscreen on my face that it stays incredibly white (it really is the best stuff ever – it’s by too faced and it’s called chocolate.. you can buy it at shepora, try it!)
- i take hours to write my instagram captions. every. single. time. in fact i have had one sitting and loaded ready to post for the last 24hours but can’t think of the words. it’ll happen.
- i’ve never dyed my hair.
- BUT, i do dye my eyelashes black every 4 weeks (if you’re like me and have blonde lashes, try doing this! makes SUCH a difference!)
- i have a boyfriend from north carolina but he has lived in hawaii for almost 7 years
- i know most words to most rap songs, i have NO idea why or how.
- i first water-skied when i was 3 years old.
- i haven’t been to the dentist in 6 years. oh my gosh i need to get on that. (procrastination, oops.)
- i love the idea of romantic elopements in epic locations
- i’ve tried to do the 30-day-squat challenge for the last 4 months and can’t seem to remember to do it past day 12. it’s not that i don’t want to continue, i just forget i am supposed to!
- i am in the process of getting a divorce. life isn’t always as glamorous as it looks on the outside but i’m grateful for being able to learn life lessons and move forward.
- i’m scared of dogs, and cows, and pretty much every other medium to large bodied animals. well, i’m scared of small animals too. and fish. yikes.
- i finally finished an entire glass of red wine for the first time this summer and kinda liked it
- when it rains i like to go stand outside in my clothes until i am drenched, or go for a run.
- i’m currently riding in the car writing this blog
happy friday friends! go do something awesome!

Haha. Love it. I think I knew most of that. Except the bronzer.. Yummy! And nice work on the red wine 🙂 big girl!!! And yes, you are a great boat driver. I’ve