Woah! 2015 already. I swear I just got over accidentally writing 2013 when I’m writing the date, ha! It feels like I should have some profound thoughts about the ending of a year and the beginning of a new one, but this new beginning means something different to everyone so, whatever it means to you, I hope 2015 is filled with laughs and gratefulness. Find the magic in every day, it’s there if you just look for it:)
It’s so exciting to be back in a routine situation where I’m able to blog more regularly, there is definitely going to be some adventures to document on this beautiful island over the next few months! If you wanna follow along in real-time, hit me up on instagram @megcourtney1!
With that, I will leave you with my last few iPhone shots documenting the last day of 2014 on Kauai! Happy New Year friends!!
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