Wow! Kauai to Norway in 48 hours, this last week has been a blur!
A few weeks ago after happy hour in Kauai, one of my best friends Jackie Gannon and I randomly decided that we should join my sister on her trip to Paris… everything always seems like an awesome idea after a few mai-tais. The next day when my sister was ecstatic about us coming to Europe with her, we decided that we said it so we better do it- and here we are!
I had absolutely NO part in planning any of this trip, actually I didn’t even know the dates or the countries we were visiting until 2 days before we left ha! Steph and Jackie have done an amazing job getting everything sorted out and it’s been so fun having every day be a surprise for me haha, so grateful for these girls <3.
Jackie and I both have a strong Norwegian heritage, she got the blue eyes and I got the hair. We have always talked about how it would be cool to take trip to the motherland, so Jackie booked our flights from Calgary into Oslo, Norway! We took the Bergen Railway from there down to Bergen and it was some of the most breathtaking scenery I have ever imagined. Bergen is the cutest little fishing town with the BEST seafood and we have been staying in a little apartment right downtown for the last few days. It’s only light out for a few hours a day this time of year so we have done a lot of exploring in the dark, but even so it is so beautiful. Yesterday we rented a car and road-tripped to the Sognefjord which was INCREDIBLE. We had our music on as loud as our little car could handle and drove for hours just taking it all in. When we got to the top lookout we took my little Bose speakers out with us so we had music while we goofed off taking photographs and dancing like crazy people on the top of the world. I love how whenever Jackie and I experience something we push eachother to the most outrageous energy levels. Living “The Excited Life” is what I have been calling it, ha but “we’re crazy” is probably more accurate… 😉
We have been struggling to adjust to the time change, especially me coming from Kauai which is 11hours behind, so this morning we were both up and at it at 5am. We had to wait until 7am before we could walk down to the little coffee shop and we have been here for hours working on emails and editing photographs, drinking enough coffee to keep us awake for days. Maybe that is why we can’t sleep… the coffee is amazing here and I don’t even like coffee usually, so great! And with that, we are flying to France this afternoon to meet Steph! Can’t wait to see the Paris streets all lit up for Christmas and for our roadtrip to Normandie in a few days – Stay tuned on Instagram if you wanna!
Here is a mixture of iPhone, GoPro, and DSLR photographs from our trip so far! (mostly iPhone though!) …Off to Paris!
MegiPhone shots from the Bergen Railway
Bergen, Norway
It’s cold here… 🙂
Roadtrip to the fjord!
Dancing our way around the world:)
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