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Enjoying the now {Reminder to myself}

this post is more of a reminder to myself. after having a conversation last night with one of my best friends, ashley, i found myself saying what i always say. “im so excited i just wish it was next week already! i just wish it was christmas tomorrow! i just can’t wait for summer again!”. it seems like there is always something going on in our life, that i am just so excited about. or when it is finally spring i can’t wait for the fun summer brings, and then when it is summer i can’t wait for the beauty of the fall. and then when it is fall i am so excited for christmas i just want it to snow. and when it finally does, i am so excited for the snow to melt and the flowers to start blooming in the spring, and it is a vicious cycle of always wishing and waiting for the next. the problem is, i am so excited and focused what is coming up, that i forget to take step back and enjoy the now. enjoy today because it is today. you never get it back, and i should stop wishing it was something else, because at this rate, i will never fully and truly take in anything 100%.
i thought this was important to write about here, because this time of year people are so excited for chirstmas, their travel plans, being done finals, whatever it is… and i feel like i am not the only one who get’s caught up with this type of thing. i mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing to be excited, absolutely, but don’t forget that today is worth being excited about, as well. the pre-christmas buzz, the last final you will write in your second year, the opportunity to christmas shop, or to get some laundry done so you can pack for your upcoming vacation. there is always something to enjoy about today. and i want to challenge myself to stop wishing it was over, so i can move on to the next. i want to enjoy our holiday in florida one day at a time, instead of thinking about what we are doing “tomorrow”. i want to enjoy this week with SC before we leave, when he is done his final exams and we can go skiing and have a brake from busy-ness. i want to enjoy right now, the quiet in the house as scott is at school for his second last day. enjoying the now. that is what i am doing, today.


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  1. Meghan Lawson says:

    love this reminder 🙂 taking a step back and enjoying today <3.

  2. Tiffany Francis says:

    I love this post! I started following your blog after I read about you on Justine Russo’s blog (who was our wedding photographer!). Just wanted to say I really enjoy your writing and photography and this post rings true for me as well! For a while I kept wishing it was Friday on any other weekday and I said it while passing an older (wiser!) coworker of mine and she stopped and looked at me and said, “You know you should stop wishing you life away…” That comment really floored me and made me realize too that every day is a gift!

    Happy Holidays! Enjoy every minute of it 🙂



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