this is a long one but just bare with me, i promise the end is worth it. last night i was laying on my bed, ready to write as i usually am at around 10:40pm. i was looking through some old notes i had, and i came across the graduation speech i gave as the […]
i was talking to my sister on the phone and my mind drifted into a 3rd person view of my surroundings, kind of like i was watching myself in a movie. laying on my stomach in the sand, swinging my feet back and forth in the air as i tried to even out the tan […]
last night i told my mom and dad that i felt like i’ve lost my voice. i sit down to write, to blog, to think even, and it’s just a blank cursor blinking on a white page. i go to write an instagram caption, a text message, an email even and i can’t find the […]
Woah! 2015 already. I swear I just got over accidentally writing 2013 when I’m writing the date, ha! It feels like I should have some profound thoughts about the ending of a year and the beginning of a new one, but this new beginning means something different to everyone so, whatever it means to you, […]
Wow! Kauai to Norway in 48 hours, this last week has been a blur! A few weeks ago after happy hour in Kauai, one of my best friends Jackie Gannon and I randomly decided that we should join my sister on her trip to Paris… everything always seems like an awesome idea after a few […]
“If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction we lessen the importance of deprivation. We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless furnace of this world…we must admit there will be music despite everything.” ~ Jack Gilbert: […]