To read part 1 of our secret Bali elopement all about our vows – Click HERE I’ve never been one to stress about the details and this time was no different. I didn’t have any shoes to wear because I forgot to pack them, I couldn’t find a headband I loved so I wore an […]
As much as it may not appear on the outside, behind the scenes of running a business (at least for me) consists of frequent breakdowns, late nights, tears and a roller coaster of pride and self-doubt. There are so many amazing things about being your own boss, but it also comes with an extremely heavy […]
Planning a trip to Vietnam and Thailand! Months before leaving on our much anticipated family Asia adventure my mom and I spent hours on trip advisor,, random blogs and whatever link we found ourselves on after endless internet searching. Planning a trip to Asia sounds glamorous until you realize you have absolutely no idea […]
6 years ago yesterday i photographed my first wedding. i was so nervous i couldn’t eat, sleep, or barely think straight until i got to the brides hotel. if you would have asked me that day where i’d be in 6 years, i would have never imagined it would be this place. i’m currently sitting […]
The Little Moments Series | Post 2 (to read Post 1, click here) “That’s what I miss most” she said in her cute old lady Scottish accent. Both Pete and I had been captivated by her travel stories since we sat down next to her on the plane. She told us how her late husband […]
this year, i made a promise to myself to take more note of the little seemingly small, insignificant moments that happen every day instead of measuring my life by the amount and frequency of the EPIC “best days ever”. so often i catch myself getting caught up putting so much pressure on everything for it […]