HOLY TOLEDO!…. where has the time gone?!? remember back in the day when i used to blog every week? what happened to that?!!? i promise i am going to do my best to be better, life just got crazy all of a sudden and time got the best of me. it seems like ever since […]
“it’s okay to feel sad….” a recent conversation with a great friend reminded me of this. i was asked how i was doing. how was i really doing. it’s all very exciting and crazy but moving is a big deal, let alone to a new community. a new province. 8 hours away entering into a […]
it seemed like a great idea at the time, and like most things, when jackie and i are together and we say we are going to do something. we ARE going to do it. for this particular occasion, that consisted of us following jeremy into an EXTREMELY cold pool that hasn’t been heated (or cleaned…) […]
wow! where to begin, i have so much to share, but i wanted to start here. the last 7 weeks have been incredible, so many memories made, places seen, adventures had and stories to tell. living out of a suitcase for 6 weeks was exhilarating and exhausting all at once, but i loved every single […]
i can’t believe i have been here for a full week already! even though i have been to this island many times, {Kauai, Hawaii} it still takes my breath away everytime the sun shines on the mountains and the water… or even when it doesn’t shine, for that matter! we went up to the north […]
yup. it’s just one of those days. my head is filled with a combination of productive ideas, to-do lists, chaos and excitement. so what better thing to do then to blog about it, right? some random thoughts for you today… -i leave for kauai in 6 DAYS!!! kauai is my favorite place on the planet […]